Archive | July, 2014

27 Things I Realized After Hitting 27

3 Jul

The title is very self explanatory so here it goes:

1- Life goes on. With you or without you, it goes on. So don’t let anything keep you down (because, let’s face it, there will a lot of down times). The trick here is moving on and letting go. How? Feel whatever you need to feel. Bawl your eyes out. Eat as many Pinkberry yogurts as you want. Flood your friends’ whatsapps, then get a grip. Slap yourself (figuratively, of course) and get back on track.

2- Join a gym. Become a gym junkie (no, not that much). But DO exercise. Your body will thank you later on. Find time to squeeze in a good workout. And on the days where you skipped the gym like 4 days in a row, go on a 45 minute walk and jog. You’ll be thankful for it next time you can’t resist those fries or that marbled mud pie… I’m looking at you evil menu.

3- Don’t stress the should have, would have, could have. Go with all your heart into the things you want. Do things in a way not to feel any regrets later on. Date someone totally wrong for you, just so you can experience how wrong it is. Go to that party that you think will bore you to death, who knows? You might meet new friends.

4- Volunteer and do good around you. Everyday. With anyone. Just find a situation and be a better person. You will feel instantly better. Because the only thing that gets multiplied by giving it away is happiness.

5- Share your joy and love of life. You can whine, sure and be sad. But get a grip and go be awesome instead.

6- Find your hobby or passion. For me, it’s 2 things that I just love to do (besides reading, of course): painting and playing the piano. You have no idea how soothing and therapeutic those activities can be. It’s like your mind takes a mini vacation.

Talking about vacation:
7- Travel. Travel. Travel. You will soon won’t be able to. Especially if you’re single. Grab some friends and go places. You will have loads of fun and loads of stories to tell your grandchildren (see? Just the thought of traveling will make you feel better, more optimistic).

8- Save some money. So, here’s a trick I  learned after extensive online research (yeah… I sometimes have a lot of free time on my hands…):
*Take your monthly salary.
*Subtract all your expenses (loans, credit card debts, phone bill, gas bill…).
*Divide the remaining money into 5 and put them in envelops.
*Spend what’s inside 1 envelop/week and stash the fifth one in a place you can’t easily reach.
You’ll have a decent amount to put into savings and make grow in no time.

9- Love your parents and make time for your family. In your twenties, life will seem long and full of possibilities. But the death of my cousin taught me something: life is also short. So make sure you won’t regret spending more time with the people who will always be there for you. Because blood is thicker than water, no matter how annoying they can get.

10- Don’t let old cherished friendships waste away. Grab any and every opportunity where you can meet up with long lost friends that you do still care about. Even if you somehow have lost contact with them. Even if you are no longer talking. When you do talk, time won’t seem to have budged at all.
Yes, it will be awkward. But only the first few minutes. Then the ice will break faster than the melting icebergs.

11- Talking about friendships: let go of the ones that are toxic. Don’t like a certain group of friends? Fade it out, cut off and burn the bridge. Don’t worry. You will miss the craziness for a while, but trust me, you’ll get sick again after going out only once with them. Been there. Done that. When you take a break and go back into the game, it will help you see things clearer, so much so, you’ll wonder what you were doing with them in the first place.

12- Pray. Pray some more. Whatever your religion is, there is a certain calmness that will help you get through the toughest of times through praying. For me, it one saying: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” (Phil 4:13).

13- Be grateful. Thankful. And say it out loud. To the waiter, the parking guy, the delivery dude, the hairdresser, the guy at the gym reception, the woman who gives you towels at the gym. A simple smile will do also, if you’re too shy to strike up a conversation. But it will make those people’s day better.

14- Do things that scare you. Take the jump and be courageous.
It could range from skydiving to taking a dance class and performing on stage. Whatever it is, do it.

15- Make a special time for your siblings. We sometimes are so busy with work, friends, hobbies, significant others, that we put our siblings second. They love us, so they’ll understand. But don’t let it be the norm. Go out with them. Treat them to dinner and a movie (especially if you’re the elder-eldest). Be close to them. You know why? They are the only ones who will forever be unconditionally there for you. Show them your love.

16- Be the best version of yourself. Don’t like something? Change it. You are not a tree.
I’m looking at you 10 kilos of fat. And at you untamable hair (yes, it can be tamed, just ask your hairdresser).

17- Don’t get a pet unless you have time to take care of it. And keep in mind that their lifespan isn’t long either.

18- Unplug. Go a day without social media of any kind. Your eyes will be grateful.

19- Write down your negative emotions on a paper and burn it once you’re done. So liberating. Anger managed.

20- Pamper your parents. Because you still can and won’t have a family to take care of yet.

21- Try to plant something and take care of it for a while. One of the best accomplishments ever.

22- Learn how to cook one good meal and one good dessert. It will make you feel blessed at some point.

23- Always, always, always look for the positive in the negative. You might be swimming in down time, but there is always something good in everything. You just can’t see it yet.

24- Oh, and referring to that whole body image thing? Take some note:
You need 4 weeks till you see a change.
You need 8 weeks till your friends and family see a change
You need 12 weeks for the rest of the world to see that change.

So hold on and don’t despair 🙂
Give it those 3 months, you won’t regret it.

25- It’s fine if you’re still single. You will find someone just for you. Don’t be in a relationship just cause you need affection (that’s what hugs from friends and family are for). It’s better to be single than in a bad relationship.

26- Don’t dwell on the past too much. You’ll get stuck and won’t be able to go forward.

27- STOP THINKING AND START DOING. I know that this is the hardest part, to actually move your butt off the sofa, turn off your series marathon and just go do some of the things on this list. But you know what? It will be so, so liberating. You’ll be grateful for it.