Tag Archives: France

Things Learned When On Vacation

25 Aug

There’s nothing better than travel in order to get to know one’s self better. Or others, for that matter…



This way or that way?

I realized that on the plane ride back home after spending 17 wonderful (with not so wonderful moments) in France with friends whom I love very dearly.



The River

You think you know someone, until you have to spend every minute of every day with them, and, wait for it; you don’t really have that many options.

So what do you do? You compromise. Or if you’re like me, you start being extra nice and kind, which completely backfires after day 10. It’s like your qualities and not so good things about you get magnified… and you end up, somehow, being this grumpy old cat lady. While in Paris. On vacation. With nothing to worry about except what awesomeness you haven’t seen/eaten yet.

You will fight with your friends. You will still love them afterwards.

So, if you’re like me: be very clear from the start about what you want to do, how you want it done and what’s your normal pace. You won’t be happy with a couple of fast walkers if you’re more into the chill and look at the places and just daydream kind of person… Get another person who fits more into your character so that you have someone to walk with when you need to separate from the group.

You can even make up plan Bs for when you feel like you’re running after your friends around half the town of Paris and need some alone time. Google the places where you can go and chill out while they ride the Velib’ half across the city. (Hint: Les jardins du Luxembourg is perfect. As are the Champs Elysées and the Rue Saint Michel).


On another note: you expect to feel happiness while on vacation travelling to one of the most romantic countries, romantic cities ever: Paris.

Keywords here: happiness, expectations and romantic.

First off: never expect anything and enjoy everything you see and experience. Be open, stand up straight, open your eyes and feel the moment.

Second: Romantic.

If you’re single: I advise you against it. Unless you’re okay with your state, just go have fun.

If you’re in a couple: get your other half with you. Unless you’re making it a point to spend some time alone, in order to better appreciate one another when you get back.

If it’s complicated: please, please, please, don’t think about him/her. Or if you do, acknowledge the feeling, feel it and let it go. Don’t try to block it (hint: it won’t work, you’ll just end up seeing him/her everywhere. Like everywhere and in the most unlikely places ever) and don’t OVERDWELL on it either. Try to live the moment. (The only moments I was able to really live were in Disneyland.) So try to figure out what works out and what doesn’t (cause, let’s face it, in the Parc d’Asterix, all I could think about was doing those rides with him and how much he’d have fun).

Third: Happiness.

It has to come from within. You can’t look for it or expect it to just happen. So smile at yourself in every mirror you encounter, it will help. And just go with the flow.


One more thing: everything that can go wrong will go wrong, BUT you will enjoy the hell out of it! You will laugh and laugh and laugh for days/weeks/months/years afterwards (I’m looking at you bus stop that we missed at the very start of our trip).



Disneyland Castle

And always remember that if you’re kind of a writer, little stories will start popping up in your imagination. Write them down! I didn’t and I will forever regret it, because I can’t seem to remember any of them… And they were funny! Just ask my travel buddies