Tag Archives: 2012

2012 Resolutions

10 Dec

I was searching the web and fell on an article that sent my brains into overdrive: New Year’s Resolutions for 2012.

I had to come up with some!

So here’s what I pledge for this year:

– Travel somewhere new
– Find my signature scent (or die trying)
– Find a fashion style that suits my body (and get over those ill-fitting clothes overwhelming the closet)
– Take my cooking to the next level (more pro techniques/involving actual cooking classes)
– Get serious about writing (and yes! Finish that book)
– Choose 50 new books to read
– Be more involved in my personal development in scouting and work on BP’s 5 points
– Find a social project and see it to completion
– Take my self-confidence to the next level
– Boost my metabolism & get moving everyday
– SAVE enough to get a down payment on the car (think about which one to buy and no, mustangs and camaros are not yet viable options)
– Think about saving enough for a down payment on the house of my dreams
– Dance more
– Sing like nobody is listening
– Do get serious about doing something with the hair (fuzziness is not appealing!)

This is all I could think of until now. Will update this post with new thoughts (I know you’re in there somewhere).